So, here i am...writing another blog for school...and I'm sitting next to my friend Jasmine, and my other friend awk...he has the SAME name as me...
Jasmine, Kennedy, and Kennedy.....
SOOOOOOO anyway, we have ANOTHER assignment about what happened our last class...well, last we talked about lines. Yes lines. How exciting...what could possibly be more exciting than a line?
I'm not exactly sure if that middle one counts as a line....

So, I obviously continue to get preoccupied...any way last class. Which was Friday...right? Yeah, I think Friday. We had this super long boring convo about acting lines, musical lines, drawing lines, staff lines, character lines...TOO MANY LINES! FINALLY, WE DID SOMETHING EXCITING!!! My friend Beppy and I were called up to do a skit. We made up this whole crazy scene about how I got a bad grade for an amazing project and she got an amazing grade for a crappy project because she was having an affair with the old decrepit teacher with bifocals and hearing aids...only at a public school...Anywho it was great!!! finally, at the end of class we were given an assignment. We had to create 5 circles, connect them using different times of lines and them fill in the white using 2 different texture patterns. Oh, and also, it had to be black and white. Now, I'm an NOT a visual arts student and if any of you know theatre kids, either they are really good at art, or they can't draw a stick figure to save their life. I fall under the "stick figure" category myself. So, I guess I'll let y'all be the judges of my art...even though I'm pretty sure no one reads this....
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